YOU are the Chamber!
We address key issues close to home. For you, membership means local influence, regional clout and bottom-line benefits for your firm all with a minimal investment.
As a member, you will benefit from networking with potential clients, promotional activities designed to boost your business, professional growth opportunities, direct access and representation to local and state decision makers, valuable news and information for YOU in the Chambers monthly publication.
A Chamber That Responds To You
The Lee County Chamber tackles issues head-on. Taking the lead in city and regional issues, the Chamber will continue to initiate programs which benefit area business. We work with all areas of the community to promote your business. Direct benefits include PR services, business-to-business referral system, bulk mailing permit, lobbying, political and business contacts and more all made possible by your Chamber.
Unbeatable Value For You
Join others in creating a strong business climate. A healthy community attracts professionals, skilled labor, new business, excellent educational systems and a large and growing industrial base, as well as business partnerships. Better jobs mean better wages.
Your voice joins countless others giving strength to our position on business, industrial development and environmental issues.
Whatever your investment, you stand to gain personally and professionally.
Membership in the Lee County Chamber of Commerce is open to any business, industrial firm, organization or civil group. Individual memberships are also available. The Investment Schedule is established by the Board of Directors and is based on a fair share investment concept. Investments are paid annually.
Note: if you have two (2) registered businesses under one roof (owned by the same people), you pay one half-investment fee for the smaller of the two companies.